Videos from the Canon IXUS 80 weren't playing properly for me either with VLC (Linux or XP) or Media Player.. so I thought I'd try transcoding them. It worked nicely.
See my earlier posts for the transcode install process.
Input file -
[user@aspireone ~]$ tcprobe -i MVI_2282.avi
[tcprobe] RIFF data, AVI video
[avilib] V: 30.000 fps, codec=MJPG, frames=7607, width=640, height=480
[avilib] A: 44100 Hz, format=0x01, bits=16, channels=1, bitrate=705 kbps,
[avilib] 254 chunks, 22364580 bytes, CBR
[tcprobe] summary for MVI_2282.avi, (*) = not default, 0 = not detected
import frame size: -g 640x480 [720x576] (*)
frame rate: -f 30.000 [25.000] frc=0 (*)
audio track: -a 0 [0] -e 44100,16,1 [48000,16,2] -n 0x1 [0x2000] (*)
bitrate=705 kbps
length: 7607 frames, frame_time=33 msec, duration=0:04:13.564
Transcode to Xvid -
transcode -i MVI_2282.avi -y xvid4 -o MVI_2282.xvid
Output file -
[user@aspireone ~]$ tcprobe -i MVI_2282.xvid
[tcprobe] RIFF data, AVI video
[avilib] V: 29.970 fps, codec=XVID, frames=7606, width=640, height=480
[avilib] A: 44100 Hz, format=0x55, bits=16, channels=1, bitrate=128 kbps,
[avilib] 7606 chunks, 4055761 bytes, CBR
[tcprobe] summary for MVI_2282.xvid, (*) = not default, 0 = not detected
import frame size: -g 640x480 [720x576] (*)
frame rate: -f 29.970 [25.000] frc=4 (*)
audio track: -a 0 [0] -e 44100,16,1 [48000,16,2] -n 0x55 [0x2000] (*)
bitrate=128 kbps
length: 7606 frames, frame_time=33 msec, duration=0:04:13.786
The other benefit -
[user@aspireone ~]$ du -h MVI_2282.*
435M MVI_2282.avi
59M MVI_2282.xvid
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