Sunday, September 8, 2019

Docker Toolbox (on Windows) cheatsheet

Start with an empty ubuntu container

$ docker run -t -i ubuntu /bin/bash
$ exit

Commit it to a new image
$ docker commit d1dbe5528e65 commitrunning

Open VirtualBox, to configure shared drives

Setup a shared folder named 'd' with path 'd:\"
In the (Linux) shell (docker@default) give the commands
docker@default:~$ sudo mkdir /d
docker@default:~$ sudo mount -t vboxsf d /d

Add the volume to the image

$ docker run -ti -v //d/repo/:/repo commitrunning /bin/bash

Display containers

$ docker ps -a

Display images

$ docker image ls

Display dockerfile for container

$ docker container inspect unruffled_shtern

About dockerfiles, containers, images

Connect to running container

$ docker exec -it unruffled_shtern /bin/bash