Customizing images
- local.conf
add strace, rebuild, test - seemed to result in a significant rebuild
real time to do 'nothing' rebuild = 28 seconds
real time to add 'pciutils, usbutils' rebuild = 7 minutes
real time to add 'kbd, kbd-keymaps' rebuild = 5:30 minutes
in conf/local.conf "read-only-rootfs empty-root-password allow-empty-password"- Custom .bb
Move above changes into meta/recipes-core/images/
rebuild, test - quick.
Add image feature ssh-server-dropbear
Writing a new recipe
- Creating the Base Recipe Using devtool add
Follow the autotools amhello example, to create an application, store in git repo locally
Run 'devtool add amhello /mnt/ee/repo/amhello' -> recipe in workspace
Run 'devtool build-image core-image-steve' to build image including recipes from workspace
deployed in /usr/bin/hello
- Creating a layer in which to put the recipe
bitbake-layers create-layer ../meta-steve
bitbake-layers add-layer ../meta-steve
- Move recipe to layer
devtool finish amhello meta-steve
- Re-build image
Add amhello to
gotcha - the recipe is missing the 'S = "${WORKDIR}/git"' line. This results in no build