Wednesday, January 13, 2010

VirtualBox-3.1.2 upgrade on Aspire One Linux

I haven't posted for a long time... but just to show some activity, I'm posting regarding the latest VirtualBox upgrade.

On the VirtualBox download site, they haven't posted an RPM for Fedora 8... so I resorted to the 'All distributions' release

The process was smooth and simple
- Remove the old RPM installation

sudo rpm -e VirtualBox-3.0.6_52128_fedora8-1

- Set the execute bit on the downloaded install file

chmod a+x

- Run it

[user@aspireone Downloads]$ sudo ./
Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing VirtualBox for Linux installation.........
VirtualBox Version 3.1.2 r56127 (2009-12-17T13:37:07Z) installer
Installing VirtualBox to /opt/VirtualBox
Python found: python, installing bindings...
error: invalid Python installation: unable to open /usr/lib/python2.5/config/Makefile (No such file or directory)
Building the VirtualBox vboxdrv kernel module
Building the VirtualBox netflt kernel module
Building the VirtualBox netadp kernel module

VirtualBox has been installed successfully.

You will find useful information about using VirtualBox in the user manual
and in the user FAQ

We hope that you enjoy using VirtualBox.

I don't thing the python error message is anything to be concerned about.