Saturday, August 16, 2008

D-Link DNS-323 Easy Search Utility

Ok, I've had a DNS-323 NAS box for sometime now, and really like it. It works well, was good value, and provides lots of functions to keep you interested... particularly if you're willing to do some 'hacking'.

Right now I want to start using the bittorrent client on it (that was released together with a firmware update)... to install the bittorrent client you need to use D-Link's Easy Search Utility... and that's where the whine starts.

One of the main puposes of this utility is apparently to find and map the NAS drives in windows.

Why write an application that provides functions that already exist? Particularly if it doesn't work as well as the functions built into Windows/Linux etc already?

In my case, Windows (even a horribly firewalled Vista) can find the device through samba, and through directly specifying it's IP address. The drive can be mapped by right clicking, and map drive. The configuration web page can be accessed through any web browser...

The easy search utility isn't able to find the drive on my network...
It has a dialog box where you can enter the ip address... but apparently, this can only be used if it can already find the drive.

What is the point?

I think I'll give up on D-Link's bittorrent client, and use something freely available on the net... with a more sensible install procedure.